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Know Six benefits that travel can bring to your health

Hotel Andes Plaza 15/10/2021
Who doesn´t love to travel? Proof of this is that so far in 2021, Colombians have made more than 10 million trips, according to statistics provided by the Ministry of Commerce, Industry and Tourism - MinCIT.
Buying tickets, packing your luggage, planning activities to be carried out and then embarking on an adventure are activities that many people love and of course, they greatly increase emotions; The best thing is that unlike so many other things that provide pleasure, everything that involves traveling not only completely lacks contraindications, but, according to various scientific studies, it brings a large number of health benefits, in this blog you we show some of them:
1. Anti stress medicine
Without a doubt, traveling reduces stress, this seems the most obvious of the benefits. No matter how short your trip may seem and even if it is to a destination not too far away, getting out of the routine allows you to disconnect and find tranquility, leave your worries and anguish behind to enjoy the present. It is worth mentioning that for this benefit to be fulfilled, everything will depend on you, because the attitude is very important, you must go with a lot of desire to enjoy, know and put aside the routine.
2. Your brain will appreciate it.
Until some time ago it was believed that the human brain, from adulthood, is no longer modified, however, science has shown the opposite, many situations, landscapes, sounds and aromas, in addition to making a mental map of the place in which one is or having to communicate in another language stimulates the brain and makes it more creative. It is worth mentioning that traveling, according to several scientific studies, manages to bring benefits to the brain even to people who already have a neurological disease.
3. Strengthens the heart
As you read it, a study conducted by the Global Coalition On Aging, in the United States, determined that traveling helps reduce the risk of heart attack, especially for older people. We want to emphasize that physical activity derived from travel is beneficial for anyone, especially for those who have a very sedentary daily routine.
4. It will improve your self-esteem
Traveling is almost always synonymous with challenges: moving around, adapting to an unknown place, interacting with its people, sometimes dealing with problems such as differences in customs, culture and languages, entails a series of inconveniences that can be fun and even more. the search for the resources to solve them and be able to get ahead, it is these types of situations that provide benefits to enhance self-esteem as few other things can. The best thing about traveling is that it is something that will last a lifetime, as it becomes a source of future memories and anecdotes to tell.
5. You will value what you have
Often after a trip many people value much more what they have and stop complaining (or complain less) about what they lack, which also leads to greater emotional well-being. The situations that you will experience during your trip will undoubtedly also help you to have a broader vision and you will be able to face problems in a better way.
6. The way to happiness
Traveling provides greater happiness than buying things, that has been one of the conclusions reached by the psychologist Thomas Gilovich, in his studies on happiness. The main reason why this occurs is based on the fact that stored memories and the sum of experiences provide long-term pleasure and well-being, much longer than the satisfaction you feel when buying something lasts.
This is not a surprise, since many people, although it has been a long time to have traveled, check the gallery of their cell phones or cameras and smile remembering those moments lived during the adventure.
If you are looking for a way to escape the monotony, in addition to taking advantage of all the benefits that traveling can bring to your life, discover incredible destinations to enjoy the best experiences with EM HOTELS.


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